Friday, March 6, 2015

On The Street Where We Live (at the moment)

What do you do when you are having trouble breathing from a bad cold? 

I take a walk. On the street where we live.

Care to come along?

A dentist office just down the Beltway. Actually my hub lived in this house many years ago. His grandpa had this house built for the family.

No pumpkins growing here in the bushes. But orange balloons are always appropriate in Nederland.

Entrance to the cemetery.

View across the street of the colorful vehicles.

In case of deep snow, this water meter locator is hard to miss. Love the color!

Olive trees in the front yard. Low maintenance yard!

Crocus vacation?

Another low maintenance yard. 

Candy sweet automobile colors.

Speaking of candy, isn't this a sweet bike?

At the local bike shop, there are plenty to "sweeten" up.

In front of the teak shop, there are huge colorful treats for your home.

Another former home of my hub. His name is even on a stone near the front door. 

Across the street is Dennis's flower shop. Perfect location in front of the cemetery.

A view to the right gives a glimpse of a mosque with a round minaret.

And our friends at our hairdresser look for us a couple of times each year.

On the Beltway!

Almost home.

Snowdrops, but no snow.

Hub is recouping up in the top right apartment.

Yes, the one with two little triangle rooftops and the balcony.

Velux windows on the side.

A large home across the street from the Beltway apartment.

Just a few more steps along the new sidewalk.

A turn to the right at the old agricultural school where bamboo is out of control.

Not sure anyone lives in this house. There is a big plywood board in the front window. Definitely not Dutch!


Still two vases in the front windows like a couple of years ago.  Not much changes here.

New baby girl in this house.

Now which child would not want to climb these rocks?

Wow! This patio/yard looks special!

Even their side yard looks classy.

But not this!

What fun! A real Dutch view!

Back at the rear gate to our apartment, I turned around and shot this. My hub was born in that deserted hospital in the background. (almost 70 years ago!!!)

View from the elevator.

There will be 40+ houses built behind the Beltway apartment soon. Really thought they would have begun work on them. 

Wonder what the folks in the houses on the right are going to do with their community garden?


  1. Lovely tour. Thank you.

  2. Fun walking around your neighborhood with you! Thanks for linking up at Best of the Weekend!

  3. Heb even bijgelezen, wij hebben ook die hardnekkige griep gehad, heel vervelend. Als ik de kleurige foto's van Marokko zie en daarna die saaie wijken in ons landje......... Je hebt er overigens wel heel leuke foto's van gemaakt, het zijn dingen waar we normaal snel aan voorbijgaan. Maar enfin, we hebben een heerlijk zonnig weekend achter de rug, de groei komt er weer in en het zal spoedig (bijna) net zo fleurig zijn als in Marokko.

  4. I have enjoyed walking with you through the neighborhood. I love the architecture of the brick buildings and the views of the gardens.

  5. Lovely pictures :-) Thanks for sharing. I hope you feel better soon.
