Monday, March 9, 2015

Spring Fever

Sunday was as close to spring as we will probably get while we are here at the Beltway apartment. 

At one moment out on the balcony in the sun the temperature was 32 degrees Celsius. For you Fahrenheit folks, that is warm. 90 degrees F warm! 

And I was sweating bullets while washing the balcony windows. The temperature only lasted a few minutes, and the windows were sparkling clean in no time. I really shouldn't complain, since I only wash the windows here at the Beltway about twice each year. 

I'll have lots of dirty windows waiting for cleaning when we get back to Wetcreek in three weeks.

It is 5:00 a.m. here. Hub has finally stopped coughing, so I'll sneak back in bed and see if I can get some rest. 

Don't know who is sicker. Hub with the flu or me sick of him being sick. 

Good night.


  1. there's nothing worse than a sick husband....I'd rather be sick myself

  2. I hope your hubby feels better soon.
