Friday, April 24, 2015

Love Letter--Feb. 7, 1980

Feb. 7, 1980

Dear Mother & Daddy,

I've been so busy the last two days that I almost forgot to mail my valentines.

Tuesday I substituted for the art teacher in the Hague.

Wednesday I had a Dutch lesson, shopped with J.  and A. at a Swedish furniture store, tutored a 4th grader, cooked dinner for J's family, and entertained a couple who came over around 8:30 that night. I was indeed worn out with a throbbing headache at 11:00 p.m.

This a.m. I drove to the Hague for a job interview. The job is "the" secretary to the Korean ambassador to the Netherlands. I got the job and will begin work on Monday (Feb. 11). I will make about $12,000 a year and have 21 days of vacation. Jan and I will talk about it tonight. He wants to go skiing the 1st week in March, but maybe he will have to go by himself.

I shopped at a store handling many American foods today. I spent $20.00 in no time. I can buy choc. chips, graham crackers, vanilla wafers, cake mixes, salad dressings, etc.

I will close and write a few other cards. Our friend M. had a little girl yesterday. We will go see her tonight.

Let me know when M. delivers.

Love, Linda

I could write detailed descriptions of all of the places and persons referred to in the letter. It is interesting that I can remember such details from 35 years ago and do not remember what I did and saw last week! The Swedish store was of course Ikea (in Sliedrecht). Don't think that Ikea building exists anymore. I did take that "secretarial" job, had my own office ( HUGE), and rarely had anything to do. So I read lots of books and had 1 1/2 hours lunch break everyday. (Where was the Internet when I needed it? Or even a computer!?!) We went skiing. More about that another time. The grocery store with the American food was on the van Hoytemastraat in The Hague. We later found other and better shops in Rotterdam and Wassenaar. Our friend M's daughter just recently had her own second baby, a sweet little boy. And my American sister-in-law M gave birth to little C who now has two charming daughters.


  1. It is odd how memory works! I'm like you, I can remember tiny details from years ago, yet I struggle to remember what I need at the store when I forget my list.

  2. These are so fun, Linda. I am sure it takes you right back to the moment. xo Diana
