Thursday, April 23, 2015

Through This Gate

Remember this gate from March 2014?

Well, look what is happening right now.

Stay tuned.

I think these gate pillars are the last big project. 

And, no, we won't be paving this lane to our house. I like the gravel road. Flip and I can hear anyone who can get through the gate and drive up the lane.


  1. I love it, Lnda!!! And I agree, leave the gravel...:)JP

  2. It looks very nice

  3. Great progress, Linda! It looks very nice so far. And I say keep the gravel, too; it's useful and there's just something about a long gravel drive. It's beautiful.

  4. Oh- So very beautiful, Linda! I love the gravel road...I love the "crunch" when you drive over gravel. xo Diana

  5. Is this the gate you took with you from The Netherlands? It's a nice one and I really love your gravel road.
