Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Return of Love Letters Written 35 Years Ago

In the 35+ years my Dutch hub and I have been together, I can count on one hand ( or maybe finger!) the times that he wrote to my parents. He gave me his permission to publish this one:

Rotterdam   29 januari 1980

Dear Mrs & Mr C,

Finaly I find the time to write you a letter from "over yonder."

Right after we came back the work really started with all the bookings for the new season. The flight prices went up by 20% but as you see how much we have to do, it looks more that they have gone down.

In the first week that we got here Linda was a little home sick but I think that everything is okay now. Of course she is thinking a lot about you but that is quite normal.

We just got the photograph's back and we saw them this week-end. They all ( if I may say so) came out very well and now we have also some nice pictures of you all. It are slides but we want to make some prints of it.

We also and specially I think very much of your hospitality you showed us and I like to thank you for it.

Linda is gone to Dutch lessons right now. She is doing quite well. ( We can hear her talk dutch with my little nephew.)

With all my best wishes and love

Blogger's Note:
My Dutch will never ever be as good as my hub's English (or French or German or Italian or Dutch)! After having lived with an English teacher (me), I notice him wanting to correct the English of our American family, our air conditioner man, the neighbors, the tv newspeople, the grocery store clerks, the speakers at our monthly senior citizens meetings, etc.
So does that mean I did my job well ( or goed)?


  1. Old letters are somehow so poignant, even when they're cheerful in tone (as this one is). Thank you (and Dutch hub) for sharing this one with us. :)

    1. Thanks for your kind comment. There are still more letters to come. Linda
