Sunday, April 19, 2015

Weed and Pot

Just working in the garden these days. Nothing more and nothing less!

Haven't gotten to the weeds yet. Everything is drenched! 

But the potting and planting are in progress. 
Veggie beds are full of plants and seeds and rain water. 
Window boxes are full of newly planted boxwood cuttings. 250 little sticks. Enough to replace the 150 cuttings we lost to hot, dry weather in October/November 2014.

Here are two of the five window boxes I filled this afternoon. Lots of tedious work!

And here are the quickly snipped "mother" plants that were definitely overgrown after all the rain we have had all spring. (Haven't gotten to the pots yet. Please give me a few more days.)


  1. You have done a very good job! I think you will get a great hedge soon! I can't wait to see that!

  2. Oh! That is a big job well done! I didn't realize boxwood would root that easily. Did you just plant it in regular soil? What a shame you lost all those plants! xo Diana

  3. Odd that the weed and pot article was published 04/19 and not 04/20...
