Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial or Memorable Day 2015?

Since retiring from paid work seven years ago, every single day is a holiday! Because of that, I often lose track of "real" holidays like today - Memorial Day. 

May God bless all of those who have fought in wars and those who died because of wars. Let us remember them all.

But this particular Memorial Day will be a "memorable day" for us. Last evening we received word from our kind neighbor R. in The Netherlands that our deep freezer at the Beltway Apartment had expired, and the contents was "stinking to high heaven." She and an equally kind neighbor gentleman needed our consent and guidance to do something very soon.

Long story short ( and extremely quick, thank goodness!!), the kind neighbor gentleman emptied the freezer and cleaned up as well as he could. 

We are so fortunate to still have a couple of GOOD neighbors at the Beltway!

Thanks, KS, for coming to the rescue. And thanks, of course, to RW for hearing that strange noise coming from our bathroom ( just above her bathroom) that may have been a signal that all was not well in our apartment 5,000 miles away from where we are at Wetcreek.

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