Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Dogs on Our Laps at Wetcreek

If you have ever been through a southern rainstorm, then you will be able to visualize what we experienced late last evening. 

With Flip on J's lap and Nismo on mine, we "rode out the storm." 

Today we are soggy here in Wetcreek. Not sure how many inches of rain we had, since our trusty rain gauge has a huge crack (we just noticed this morning!) and won't hold water.

I turned off the water irrigation system to the tomatoes in the raised veggie beds, since they are drenched. 

And now the sun is coming out. 

We are high and dry here and curious to hear how our son is managing in the flooded Big City.

Calf-deep at midnight Monday in Houston.

Tuesday morning, both deer and human are searching. 

Under water view.


  1. oh my gosh, so much water!
    Our dogs sat on our laps in storms as well, lol,

  2. That's very wet, glad the sun is out again. At least the garden needs not to be irregated for some time.

  3. We haven't had as many spring storms as usual. It's a good thing, because my yard guy is busy. The grass is getting quite long without a lot of rain.


  4. Oh- That is just too much rain. I am so sorry that so many people are suffering this Spring with all the torrential rains. xo Diana

  5. We are having a 104 degrees of dry heat today - I am very very envious of your rain.

  6. Ugh! The rain! How I'm tired of it. But we haven't had it as bad as your son; we're north of Houston and south of Plano so the flooding hasn't been bad. Just soggy. Our two big dogs are babies when it comes to the storms; they hide under the desks.
