Saturday, May 30, 2015

Petite Pink Paper Love Letter

Most Love Letters that I mailed to my mom and dad back 35 years ago were mailed in envelopes like the one above ( but not with the hole, mind you). The letter I am publishing today was written on tiny pink paper. Don't ask me why! I can't remember that far back!

31 March 1980

We received your list of relatives on Friday along with a nice letter and photographs from S. We will order invitations next week when we go to Olst. I'm going to try to mail them around the 1st of May (or before). 

We looked again for a dress for me. But no luck. Perhaps I'll have to make it myself. J. will go on a tour with 3 Australians the weekend of April 11-13, so I'll have all week-end to sew. I cut out six pieces of fabric on Saturday. Now I have plenty to keep me busy.

The weather is warming a little (50's & low 60's), but there are still no tulips. Some of J's friends from Pittsburg, Pa. will come to visit us the end of April or 1st of May. Maybe I'll get to see some tulip fields then.

We go on Daylight Savings Time at 2:00 a.m. April 6. So for a couple of weeks we will be 8 hours ahead of you. J. and I will go to Olst for the Easter week-end as we haven't been there in 3 weeks. His parents go on holiday to Italy around the 15th of April until mid-May. So we won't see them for a while. 

Don't procrastinate too long about making your flight reservations, as the first week in June is a popular week for Americans to travel to Europe. We don't want you to miss the wedding! And are you planning to spend 3 weeks with us? I hope so!

I especially invited a couple of B.R. friends to come to the wedding, but I haven't heard from any of them. As of right now, you two are the only ones making a trans-Atlantic trip. But we'll have fun anyway.

I will close now, and I will send the information for the Town Talk this week-end.

How is F.? You haven't mentioned him in a while? Tell him to write to me.

Love, Linda


  1. I enjoy reading this so much, thank you for sharing!

  2. Oh- I remember those airmail envelopes! What excitement to get a letter and know that you are going to hear from family as to whether they are coming, if they have their tickets, and how excited THEY much fun reading these. xo Diana

  3. So interesting for you to share a bit of personal history with us. I still write real letters to family and friends in addition to email and social media. Somehow a disk with data stored on it is not the same.
