Friday, May 29, 2015

Plaid Wedding Dress and Ondertrouw

Another Love Letter to Mother and Daddy

Photo Source:

24 March 1980

Dear Mother and Daddy,

It is my lunch break, but the weather is still too chilly to stay outside too long. So I'll write you a few lines. I wish I were at home taking a nap. We visited J's friends until after 2:00 a.m. on Saturday and then I slept until 8:30 a.m. Last night the same friends arrived here at 11:45 p.m. to spend the night, but I said good-night and went to bed. So now I'm drowsy and lifeless. I'll be glad when 6:15 gets here, and I'll be at home.

I still haven't found a wedding dress. J. is not much help since he has terrible taste in women's clothes. He thinks I should wear plaid skirts and loafers all of the time. Strange! Maybe I'll find something this week-end.

(LOL--Not my dress!!) This beauty is from Heritage of Scotland.

I called S. yesterday to wish W. a Happy Birthday, but she was at the skating rink. But I did get to talk to S. and S. He sounds like he feels better, and he said he sent me a letter. If it comes in 7 days like your last letter did, I'll get it soon. He said he received my package in just a few days. SAL should be just about as fast as airmail (1week), and it is a little cheaper, too. You might want to remember that if someone wants to send me a wedding gift.

I priced wedding invitations ( printed in two languages) last week. I think the cost will run around 200-250 dollars just for the cards. J. said he would find a cheaper printer. I told him I'd duplicate them here at the office, but he said I was being silly.

I have a 2 day holiday for Easter (Good Friday and the Monday after). Then on April 9, I'll take off half the day for the Ondertrouw (one part of getting married). We go to the City Hall and someone talks to us. Then our names are posted in the front of the City Hall for about 2 weeks in case someone objects to the marriage. But we don't even get our license until June. J's parents will probably come to have dinner with us on that evening.

I'll close and get to work. It is 2:00. Write soon.

Love, Linda


  1. So much fun watching you through your young years...and that dress is gorgeous- that would have been a GREAT wedding dress! Thanks for posting these- I find them very interesting. xo Diana

  2. I think it is fun to re-read all these letters. Nice you have kept them and show us something of your life in this way. That Scottish dress is wonderful, but I suppose you wore a white bridal dress? We will hear it in next correspondance, it reads like a story.

  3. Okay, I was totally wrong when I guessed what Ondertrouw might mean. :)

    Funny how our guys have such particular tastes in fashion for us. Mine is still mentally stuck in the late 80s-early 90s and would love me to flounce around in long flowery skirts all the time.

    I do hope you post a wedding photo - we're all getting very curious about the dress!
