Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Are You Okay?

When was the last time you checked in on someone you know and asked, "Are you okay?"

Yesterday one of my long time blog friends JP sent me an e-mail message asking if my hub and I were okay. She knew we were far from home and closer to Brussels than she was. She cared that we were safe and sound in this crazy world.

All it took was a short e- mail message to reassure my friend and to assure me that we are not alone in this world.

And we are OKAY❣


  1. Wat een mooi verhaal, naar aanleiding van een trieste gebeurtenis!
    Ik hoop dat je een mooie tijd hebt, nu je hier in Nederland bent.

  2. Hi Linda.. I keep on asking this question frequently these days as I have cousins living in Europe... One of them lives in Belgium and they were going to Rome today... from the same airport.... She said they were lucky not to be there when attacks happened.

    It is horrible and so cowardly to do all these blasts and shootings...
    Praying for those who lost their family members... and praying that this wouldn't happen again.

    Take care! Glad to know you are ok...

  3. Bloggers make for good friends.
