Monday, March 21, 2016

Easter Bunny(ies) in the Neighborhood

Just out getting a few steps and ran into this cute (Easter) bunny.

Actually there were two bunnies (and maybe even more❣).
My favorite metal gate on my walk today.

How to ruin the view of your house--solar panels!!!!

Must not be any restrictions for these ugly solar panels.

Former school has become a retirement home. 

That was the view on my morning walk today. Still somber and cloudy weather here in Deventer. Hope it gets better in the next few weeks😩.


  1. The weather is indeed very dull, I'm so looking forward to real spring. Whereever you walk there is always something of interest to see. The small iron gate is beautiful indeed but the two funny, lazy bunnies look marvellous too, I think they are much better than the living wild bunnies in my garden. I just saw one again this morning. The solar panels are not my cup of tea too, but I've lost, my F. wanted solar panels on the backside and now they are there, actually they save us a lot of money. The retirement home looks very comfortable and welcoming, some of the new ones they built the last few years look like prisons.
    Have a nice week in Deventer!
    Regards, Janneke

  2. Those bunnies really are rather lovely! Sort of look like they're in a sunbathing pose - maybe a promising sign??

  3. Hi Linda... Loved the weather, hehe, here is getting hot... huh :))
    The bunnies are so cutely lying on the gate posts. And retirement home looks good...

    Have a fab day!
