Sunday, May 1, 2016

I Really Like Blogging❣Wetcreek is Back❣

Sometimes you just need a break to realize what you are missing. And I have been missing my daily blogging. So here we go after a weak Spring and no blogpost in April.

Wetcreek is back❣
And wet we are. This morning Flip and I tried our usual 30 minute/2500 steps morning walk around the pond and ended up doubling back when I realized that our walkpath on the other side of the pond was actually part of the pond. As probably the only "non-swimmer" in this family, I didn't want to try to ford through above ankle deep water ( and maybe snakes), so we retraced our steps and came back home to dry ( well, almost) ground. 

Mother Nature is doing her best, but with this kind of weather I can see how ancient temples became overgrown and disappeared in vines and vegetation. 

Tomorrow it is back to the garden/yard and attacking the green monsters that could envelope us while we are drinking coffee out on the front veranda.

This photo taken at the end of April 2015 is inspiration before the perspiration❤️


  1. And welcome back. I do believe it's raining everywhere. May flowers, you know.

  2. Lin, were we in "the same boat?"...I haven't posted in April either, but will after I get around...good to see you back!!...:)JP

  3. Nice you are back blogging. Wish you success attacking the green monsters in your garden! After a week of rain and hailstorms we had finally a lovely sunny Sunday.

  4. Love the green scenery and welcome back again...
