Monday, May 2, 2016

Time to Purge My Teaching Papers

I have promised myself that after spending the last eight years of retirement stepping over and moving aside shelves and boxes of English books, handouts, and folders, I would get rid of most of that junk this summer. Well, it is summer already down here in southwest Louisiana, and I have begun the "purge."

After about 1 1/2 hours of sorting up in my craft room, I now have a good start. Four portable stacks of workbooks to go to our local thrift shop and a huge wash basket full of xerox copies of assignments and handouts to be burned in our new metal burn barrel.

I am not any way near finished, but I figured that was enough time to spend on the first effort. And still the loads have to somehow make it downstairs. Maybe later today.

While I was sorting, I ran across this following piece of writing. I am not sure where or when or even if I wrote this. I found it handwritten (by me) on the back of a Bingo game sheet.

Please enjoy and feel free to comment.

"Last week was the worst week of my entire life. It all began when the electricity man stopped by and turned off all of our electricity. Then the water man came by and 'pulled out the plug.' 

After the temperature dropped to -10 degrees, we had popsicle turkey for Thanksgiving dinner with rice dressing slush for dessert. We ran out of candles by Thursday lunch, so we rubbed two sticks together and made a bonfire in the garage. Oops! Our 500 boxes of belongings made good kindling. 

Finally, on the weekend it rained so hard that we put out the fire and finally got some deserved rest. 

Next year I plan to spend Thanksgiving in the Bahamas with my grandmother and grandfather. They live in a cool grass hut on the beach. 

But that is another story."


  1. That easily qualifies as the worst day of your life. Hail, well met.

  2. LOL at the story.
    You and I are doing the same job! I am starting to purge, too, but have a whole household to do in preparation for a move and downsizing. 40 years of accumulation...ugh...Blessings to both of us!! xo Diana

  3. So interesting to find such kind of stories on the back of a bingo sheet. To purge, I did not know this English word, but understood. For sure I looked it up and indeed it is something like decluttering. I should do so too, for I am a terrible hoarder. Glad that our house is not big enough to keep all.

  4. One of these days, I have to clean out "the file". At least you find interesting tales and writings!...:)JP
