Thursday, August 9, 2018

What the Devil?

I usually write my blogpost when I am in a good mood or when I just want to get something off my chest. 
I thought that I was in a good mood this morning. Then I opened my iPad. 
Guess I’ll be putting that “red devil” down for a while. 
I haven’t been blogging much lately, but for my own sake that will change. 
But first I have to find a pad of paper and my pen. ☹️



  1. Was the problem that you saw the news on your ipad? I keep in touch with the basics about what's going on in the world, but I avoid the details of the news.


  2. Hi, Janie,
    The news is sometimes enough to ruin my day. Linda

  3. I hear ya, Lin. Blogging has changed so much that it has unfortunately affected my attitude toward it. Sometime I'm interested in posting, other times, not so much...:)JP
