Sunday, August 19, 2018

What I Am

What I am:

Not a great cook. (I hate to prepare food and cook meals. But I will bake when the weather gets cooler.)

Not a great seamstress. (I often do not visualize the outcome and make huge mistakes that I must rip out or abandon.)

Not a great housekeeper. (I clean only when something is gross to me or when I know that we will have visitors.)

Not a great car driver. (I don’t trust anyone else’s driving, but I really don’t like to drive either. I broke my back in a vehicle accident 51 years ago. I was not the driver.)

Not a smoker. (I grew up with my father dirtying all of the ashtrays in our house and flicking cigarette ashes out his car window into the backseat window of our family car. I have never even taken a puff.)

Not a drinker. (Back 40 odd years ago I had a steady boyfriend who drank a lot of alcohol and often crashed in a drunken state onto my sofa. As he was also a smoker, kissing him was like licking an ashtray and also a highball glass. I think that I even threw up on him one time because of that.)

Not an animal lover. (Before our two doggies found us, I had never touched a dog, much less given one a good scrubbing. I am good at the scrubbing part, and they know it. )

Not a finisher. (There will be more of these reveals another time. 😉)

1 comment:

  1. She is an excellent cook!!
    A great driver, the only one where I could sleep while she is driving
    She loves our doggies
    etc, etc
    her husband
