Sunday, June 8, 2014

Forget the Selfie!!! I LIKE the Shelfie!

Just last week one of my lovely British blog friends included a Shelfie on her blogpost The Syders. At first I thought she had accidentally slipped in an "h" to selfie, but that was not the case. She included a photo of a shelf in her home.

As my hub freaks out when I include photos of our home (inside and outside), I thought this "shelfie" thing might not be so frightening to him. Oh, don't think I am going to ask his permission! I learned long ago even before he and I met (37 years ago this coming week!) that it is easier to do something and then ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission first. 

That means I am going to add a shelfie to my weekly repertoire. And as I never have been too organized, my shelfie might appear on just any old day of the week. Or maybe it will appear every single day of the week! And maybe it won't be a shelf at all. Maybe it will be a table top. Or a bench. Or even a flowerbox shelf or a windowsill. Or who knows what that might be " housing" stuff.

In any case, it will be a shelfie.

Here is Shelfie # 1

Just like me, an eclectic show of antiques, heirlooms, charity/thrift shop finds, dollar store buys, and dumpster saves in our dining room.


  1. Nice have a good eye for a tablescape.

  2. Thanks so much for the mention :-) I love your #shelfie so many beautiful things xxx

  3. Now this is a shelfie I love Linda! I was so happy to get your comment so I could find your lovely blog. Thank you so much for leaving it.

  4. What a gorgeous shelfie! I love your finds, they're beautiful.

    But even more, I love your marriage advice!

  5. much prefer the idea of a shelfie to a selfie! Yours looks really interesting - sounds like everything there has a story to tell. My shelves are such a muddle, maybe taking a pic would encourage a spot of spring cleaning! x

  6. Love the shelfie - it may become a Bloglandia phenomena! You styled it quite lovely.

  7. Good job, Linda!!! And all those memories are on display too...:)JP

  8. Oh I like it! Blue and white china is so classy and classic! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  9. I'm not a huge fan of "selfies" but I sure like "SHELFIES" - and yours is really quite perfect :)
    (I think we like many of the same things, by the way!)

  10. That cabinet is gorgeous and everything on it looks so inkeeping. Popping over from #MagpieMonday
